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Game Tutorials: a Tutorial for the Future Learning - Now

We will prepare a Tutorial Video for Playing a Game. Participants will understand the idea behind a tutorial video and
develop their skills in peer-teaching. Participants will be able to use and develop tutorials as part of study in different learning environments like Flipped Classroom etc.

Tapani Saarinen
Markku Lang
Filer i projektet
Rubrik Beskrivning Typ Utläggningsdatum Utläggare
Tutorial 1: Solmu
bild 27.04.2014 23:14 Tapani Saarinen
Tiimi toimii!
bild 27.04.2014 23:19 Tapani Saarinen
Tutorial 2: Laite
bild 27.04.2014 23:21 Tapani Saarinen
Tutorial 1: Solmu
Tiimi toimii!
Tutorial 2: Laite



YLLÄPITO JA TUKI: info@oppimaisema.fi   •