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Game planning, english grammar

Computergame is developed for Scratch-environment. Students will work in groups for 3 or 4. Planning and reflecting will be documented in Google Sites where every group will have their own pages. Technologies we use are Google Sites, Youtube, smart phones, etc.

Students will plan and make a prototype about a computergame for learning basic english grammar.

Pasi Kurttila
Taru Koskinen

Coming.. to Google Sites.

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Teacher: Taru Koskinen, Suzanne Toth (assisting) School: Kasavuori School, Kauniainen, Finland Subject: English, Computer science Student: 8th grade Age of students: 14 to 15 years Number of students: 14 Timetable: from 16th of October to 10ht of December

YLLÄPITO JA TUKI: info@oppimaisema.fi   •