Dimensions of War and Peace

Skapad: 21.03.2013

The students in this project will create digital learning stories about various topics concerning war and peace. The topic of the project is related to a unit in their English textbook. The topics include:

War and peace in the media
Symbols of peace
What do we lose/win when we fight a war?
Military service, why is it necessary? Or is it?
Where do refugees come from?
International organizations promoting peace
War, then and now
Freedom fighters, revolutionaries or terrorists? Different concepts of “soldier”, and their origins 
When is it acceptable to use peace enforcement?
Famous promoters of peace

The students will work in pairs or groups of 3, each choosing one topic to investigate.



Visa projekt

Grundare: Judi Rose


YLLÄPITO JA TUKI: info@oppimaisema.fi   •