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The Roots

The Roots: What would you tell about Kirkkonummi and Finland?

The participating classes 4B and 4K (ages 10-11)  at Gesterby school were divided into eight working groups.

First the pupils made the planning of the tasks and reflection with the help of Extreme Collaboration.

Then all the groups searched for the relevant information about Kirkkonummi and Finland on the Internet and wrote it directly on Google Drive.

Every group did reflection several times and in several phases: while doing group work, group members individually and the tasks were reflected along the process as well.

The information found on the Internet was further reviewed and modified for the project purposes.

Class 4B made posters on the topics: ‘Finland in the Past and Finland Today&rsq

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Lea Pulkkinen
Lea Pulkkinen
Lea Pulkkinen
Krista Karlund
Lea Pulkkinen
Lea Pulkkinen
Ilkka Vuori
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Gesterby school
video 24.04.2014 20:08 Ilkka Vuori

YLLÄPITO JA TUKI: info@oppimaisema.fi   •